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Staff Wellbeing and Retention

Easily embed Wellbeing into your organisation in 5 easy steps

1. Inform all staff about the Wellbeing de la vie site and resources

Wellbeing Policies and Documents

Wellbeing Policy

Detailed Version

Wellbeing Policy

Brief version for staff

Sample Email to Staff

Tell your staff about the site


For staff notice board

2. The Wellbeing Audit report identifies & evaluates areas for Improvement

3. Your organisational Wellbeing Improvement Plan

4. Implement the plan & Organise your PCN Meetings

By completing step 1 & 2 you are already implementing the plan. (We have also compiled a list of improvement incentives which you can implement based on the analysis reports. )
PCN Meetings
1. Organise two PCN wide meeting to enable shared learning. [At the start and end of year to review any changes]
2. With standard Audit reports provided by Wellbeing de la vie you have a standard baseline to compare and improve across the PCN.

5. Reporting & verification

Complete the QI monitoring template

Useful Documents

Quality Outcomes Framework (2023/24) - Quality Indicator: Workforce and Wellbeing

NHS health and wellbeing framework: Strategic Overview

NHS health and wellbeing framework: organisational diagnostic tool